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Christian GUIGUE begins to sell his collection of personal books. Now it must benefit others.


This book evokes, among other things, the initiation that Madame de Xaintraille, wife of the general of the same name, would have known at the Loge des Artistes, presided over by Cuvelier, who, when asked if she accepted the honor not to be initiated as an adopted mason but as a man, replied: "I am a man for my country, she said, I will be a man for my brothers." Madame de Xaintraille would have been the first woman to have been initiated in France. The dating would be around 1800-1804 given the references made to Bonaparte then 1st Consul. Some scholars dispute this story, arguing that there is insufficient documentation to support it; many famous masons (Cagliostro, Willermoz, Pasqually, etc...) do not allow us to prove with certainty their initiation since we do not find documents or even names of members of their mother lodge of which we do not know until ' in the name, which does not prevent them from remaining considered as masons in their own right.

BESUCHET - Historical summary of FM - 1829

SKU: 0014
  • Historical summary of Freemasonry from its introduction in France until 1829, followed by a biography of the members of the Order, the most famous for their work, their writings or their rank in the world from its origin until our days and a choice of speeches and poems.

    Paris. Rapilly. 1829. 2 volumes in octavo of VIII-408 pages and 2 leaves-456 pages. Crimson red shagreen leather back bindings.

    A copy of this work is in the library of the famous research lodge Ars Quatuor Coronati in London.

    Rare and sought after work. Ex libris Library Christian Guigue.

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